
27 April 2012

Skype vs Twitter & facebook campaign

Technology is changing the way people think and operate, but is it also degrading humanity?

That’s the premise behind Skype’s new $12 million marketing campaign, which slams both Facebook and Twitter as it promotes its own more-intimate form of keeping in touch.
The campaign, “It’s time for Skype,” makes virtual enemies out of Facebook and Twitter with targeted ads that suggest the social networking sites are “degrading humanity.” If Twitter is known for its 140-character limit and Facebook for its wall posts, Skype’s authority is that its video conferencing — and the real emotions that it can express — bring people back to a (more) real world.

The ads, released in the U.K. on April 2 and expected to hit the U.S. in the coming months, include the following catchphrases:

“When did LOL replace the sound of laughter?”

“When did it become okay to text mum happy birthday?”

“Humans were made to look, listen and feel.”

“140 characters doesn’t equal staying in touch.”

“Your one-way ticket back to humanity.”

“Upgrade from a wall post to a first class conversation.”

“No delays on human conversation.”

New research: The ideal man

Women's idea of the perfect man? A 6ft, £48k-a-year, beer-drinking meat-eater with an Audi
Many men would suggest that women are a difficult to please bunch.

But in actual fact, it transpires there's an easy way for men to make themselves irresistible to women. They just need to be able to tick every box on a checklist of demands women have said contribute to the perfect man.

According to the list, the perfect man eats meat, drives an Audi and phones his mother twice a week, a poll of women revealed today. He also drinks lager or beer, not wine or spirits, and earns a comfortable £48,000 a year.

The ideal male will also be 6ft tall, have short dark hair and smart dress sense - similar to that of U.S. X Factor host Steve Jones. Vegetarians were revealed to be a turn off, while being clean shaven and in possession of a smooth, hair-free chest (take note, Simon Cowell) were said to be a bonus.

The findings surfaced in a poll of 2,000 women carried out by clothing brand Austin Reed.
A spokesman said: 'It would seem that women have high expectations when it comes to the perfect man. 'How a man is presented is obviously going to be a huge part of that.
'Whilst women don’t want a man to be too preened, they would like him to be stylish and up to date with current trends.
'It also nice to see that women favour a smart appearance, as opposed to sportswear.'
The study also found the ideal man should also have a degree and hold down a decent job

Read more:
Woman's idea of an ideal man

26 April 2012

Push to add drama

Introduction of a new pay TV channel in Belgium with a youtube movie. Which went viral.

For the launch of the high quality TV channel TNT in Belgium a button was placed on an average Flemish square of an average Flemish town near a sign with the text "Push to add drama" that invited people to use the button. Then they waited...

Look and judge for yourself.

Sustainable food

A funny video to communicate less sodium in a package to prepare food. I would personally never use such a package when cooking, but the video is nice.